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One Year of Open Source!

It’s been one year since we announced the Deluge going open source and the development has blown away all possible expectations. An amazing array of incredibly talented developers have been volunteering their time and energy and turning the Deluge into an entirely new machine – the features and enhancements added in just 10 months since we released the code is beyond belief. We couldn’t be prouder watching how this community have shown how successful this avenue can be and we’re sure other hardware manufacturers in the industry are taking note!

Beethoven 1.1

The second big open source update (Beethoven) is currently in beta and very close to release, though already very stable – if you’d like to try out the beta or read the full changelog, head to https://synthstromaudible.github.io/DelugeFirmware/ and scroll down to ‘Release 1.1 (Beethoven) Beta’.

RSKT takes a look through both the 1.0 (Amadeus) and 1.1 (Beethoven) updates in the video below

What’s new in 1.1?

• An additional reverb model: Mutable, great for large and lush reverb tails.

• Compressors per clip and kit rows.

• Automation View for Audio Clips and Arranger View.

• Bipolar parameter editing in Automation View.

• Full access to bipolar (-50 to +50) parameter values when assigned to gold knobs.

• Added a VU Meter display of the Deluge’s stereo output.

• An option to turn on or toggle a 7SEG-emulated display for OLED displays.

• Added 5 additional 7-note scales.

• Added 5-note and 6-note scale support including Whole Tone, Pentatonic Minor, Blues, and Hirajoshi scales.

• Arpeggiator improvements including control over Octave and Note modes, Rhythm, Sequence Length, and Ratchet notes.

• Midi Follow Mode – Allows MIDI data to be directed based on the current active clip on the Deluge without having to learn/relearn midi channels.

• Midi Feedback – A sub-feature of Midi Follow Mode, it allows external MIDI controllers to be made aware of the state of the Deluge synth engine for the current active clip and display those relevant values back to you.

• Midi Loopback – Allows MIDI data from internal MIDI clips back out to the Deluge MIDI input without the need of MIDI cables.

• Ability to change the default song or load behavior at startup.

• Ability to change default brightness amount at startup.

• Configurable Count-In Bar amount.

• Editable configuration of Song-level and Kit-level parameters

• Recording improvements in Grid View

• New Sidebar controls in Keyboard View for quick control over Velocity, Modulation, Chords, Chord Memory, and Scales.
To view the complete list of changes, head here: https://github.com/SynthstromAudible/DelugeFirmware/blob/release/1.1/CHANGELOG.md

To celebrate one year since we announced going open source, we are really proud to announce that Synthstrom Audible will NOT be at Superbooth this year, or will we?

Instead of a jetlagged, kebab-filled Ian losing his voice and being out of his depth as soon as talk turns to coding, you will find a booth hosted by our community! A few of the developers who have been making the Deluge open-source software the talk of the industry will be hosting a booth on our behalf! You’ll be able to see and hear the new features, hear what’s in development and perhaps what features might be coming in the future!

You’ll find the “Synthstrom Audible Deluge Community” at Z235 https://www.superbooth.com/en/floorplan.html?location=Z235

Find out more here: https://www.superbooth.com/en/messe-and-exhibitors/exhibitors/synthstrom-audible.html

If you’re heading to Superbooth you’ll also be able to head along to a workshop from some of the open source devs and find out more about the development, how the project has progressed and how to get involved! (if you wish)

As usual, find everything you need to know about the Open-Source project here: https://synthstromaudible.github.io/DelugeFirmware/